I cannot update my plugin inside wordpress…

If you are trying to update your plugin inside wordpress but receive an error: “Plugin is already in its latest version”, then please do the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Go to InfusedWoo > Getting Started > Updating InfusedWoo and make sure that the license is activated. If not, please re-enter the license and attempt to activate the license.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Updates and click the Check Again button so that wordpress will force-check the plugin updates. If InfusedWoo appears in the available updates list, attempt to update InfusedWoo.
  3. Go back to InfusedWoo > Getting Started > Updating InfusedWoo after doing the above and try to click the Update button
  4. If you are on wordpress multi-site, make sure you are updating from the main site/blog.

If you are still not able to update InfusedWoo using the procedure above, you may try to manually update plugin by following these steps:

  1. Go to InfusedAdddons customer portal and download the latest version of the plugin. https://infusedaddons.com/portal
  2. Go to WordPress > Plugins and deactivate the current version of InfusedWoo. Make sure that you are only temporarily deactivating InfusedWoo so that all settings will be retained.
  3. Delete InfusedWoo plugin
  4. Still under WordPress > Plugins, add a new plugin by clicking “Add New”. Upload the latest version of the plugin and activate the plugin.