Coupon Codes in InfusedWoo
When setting up coupon codes, you set these up in woocommerce as coupon codes in woocommerce are expected to work with InfusedWoo. To add a coupons, you go to Woocommerce Coupons → "Add Coupon" as shown above.
Coupons have several options which make them really powerful and flexible – the following options are available:
Coupon code – The code the user must enter to use the coupon.
Discount type:
Cart discount – A fixed total discount for the entire cart.
Cart % discount - A percentage discount for the entire cart.
Product discount - A fixed total discount for selected products only.
Product % discount - A percentage discount for selected products only.
Coupon amount – Fixed value or percentage off for this coupon.
Individual use – Determines whether the customer can use multiple coupons at once, or just this one.
Apply before tax – Define whether the coupon should be applied before or after tax. Before tax is the most common setting. The calculation is as follows:
Prices include tax – Take the price (inc tax) and take off the discount, THEN calculate the tax backwards.
Prices exlcude tax – Take the price (ex tax) and take off the discount, THEN calculate the tax forwards.
Enable free shipping – Enable this option is the ticket grants free shipping. The free shipping method needs setting up to require a coupon too.
Minimum Amount – This field allows you to set the minimum subtotal needed to use the coupon. Note: The sum of the cart subtotal + tax is used to compare to this minimum amount.
Product IDs – A list of product ID’s that the cart must contain for the coupon to be valid, or, for “Product Discounts”, which products are discounted.
Exclude Product IDs – A list of product ID’s that the cart must not contain for the coupon to be valid, or, for “Product Discounts”, which products are not discounted.
Usage limit – How many times a coupon can be used by all customers before being invalid.
Expiry date – When a coupon should expire and no longer be enabled.