Mark Joseph

Mark Joseph is a software developer and loves to create plugins to automate and integrate business systems. He is the creator of numerous plugins: InfusedWoo, Rocket One-Click and Infusionsoft-Jotform Integration.

Applying Tag or Running Actions when an Order is Refunded in Woocommerce

You can run actions (e.g. apply a tag) when an order is refunded in Woocommerce. To do this, create an automation recipe by going to InfusedWoo > Automation > Automation Recipes. Then create a new Automation Recipe:  Set the trigger to "Order Status" Change Trigger (under "More Triggers…".  Add condition "If order's new status is …" and set status to "Refunded"  Under actions, add desired actions you want to run. E.g. you can apply a tag as shown below:  Enter a name of your recipe and save the recipe. Here is the full screenshot of the recipe: 

Tracking User’s Site Activity From an Infusionsoft Automation Link

With InfusedWoo, you can track what your customer do in your E-commerce site without requiring them to log in to their user account. You only need to implement an automation link in your Infusionsoft email templates. For more information on how to create an automation link, click here. Using Infusionsoft automation links, you only need to make sure that the email address is passed in the URL like this: Once the automation link is clicked by one of your customers. The email is saved in your server’s session and this gives the capability of InfusedWoo to later track certain customer’s site activity. With InfusedWoo’s Automation Recipe, can track if: They have viewed a certain page or product. They added a certain product to their cart They are about to check out They have purchased… Read More »Tracking User’s Site Activity From an Infusionsoft Automation Link

Adding a Newsletter Signup checkbox in your Woocommerce Checkout

One of the best ways to capture customers who wants to receive your product newsletters and marketing emails is to put a checkbox on your site checkout to ask them if they want to receive marketing emails. Note that people who purchased product in your shopping site doesn’t necessarily mean that it is fine to send marketing emails to these customers. In fact, email marketing companies like Infusionsoft strictly prohibits sending marketing emails to people who made purchases if they didn’t sign-up to receive your newsletters. While Infusionsoft strictly doesn’t allow this, you don’t see a way to put newsletter signup checkbox to their native shopping cart module. Still it is important to do this to comply with different countries’ E-commerce standards and also to send marketing emails to people who are genuinely interested to… Read More »Adding a Newsletter Signup checkbox in your Woocommerce Checkout

BLACK FRIDAY RECIPE: Set up a Timer and Site-wide Sale to your Site

Download Black Friday Recipe 3 KB. InfusedWoo Recipe File Black Friday is coming and it’s time to give massive discounts to your customer. Download the automation recipe by clicking the download button above and instantly set up a sitewide discount and also add timer in your site. Follow the steps below to properly install this recipe in just a few minutes. Download the Black Friday Automation Recipe Go to InfusedWoo Menu in you WordPress admin and click on Automation –> Automation Recipes Click on Upload a Config File. This link is just below the “Create a New Recipe” Button Select the downloaded recipe file. Click on “Save Recipe” and your Black Friday discount campaign is now active. Once the recipe is enabled, it will do two things: It will give 25% off discount to all… Read More »BLACK FRIDAY RECIPE: Set up a Timer and Site-wide Sale to your Site

Bridge Infusionsoft to More Competitive Payment Gateways – Stripe, Braintree, Amazon Payments …

By default Infusionsoft only connects to few merchant solutions like Sagepay,, or WePay. Because of this, many business owners have some trouble finding a good payment gateway during the early stages of their business. This is especially true for startup business owners and to businesses located not in US or UK. Most merchant accounts Infusionsoft connects to are designed for big businesses and only supports major countries like US or UK. With Woocommerce, you have more options and you can use payment gateways designed for startups such as Stripe, Braintree or Amazon Payments. If you are located in India you can use Amazon payments in woocommerce and connect to infusionsoft using InfusedWoo. Same is true to South Africa (Payfast), Japan (Stripe), Brazil (Stripe), Hong Kong (Stripe), Singapore (Stripe), and as well as Malaysia (Braintree).… Read More »Bridge Infusionsoft to More Competitive Payment Gateways – Stripe, Braintree, Amazon Payments …

Stripe for Infusionsoft (via InfusedWoo)

Stripe is currently not available as a payment gateway in Infusionsoft. Since Stripe is well-supported by woocommerce, you can integrate woocommerce to Infusionsoft via InfusedWoo plugin and receive payments through stripe and still automate in infusionsoft. Watch the video below to see how to do this.

Sending a personalized coupon code to the customer on successful purchase

One of the best ways to increase repeat purchases is to give incentives when they purchase your product. According to a survey, customers are almost twice more likely to purchase again a product from your shop if they are given a discount coupon. Usually static coupons are used (e.g. Coupons that doesn’t expire and has infinite number of usages) but this is not advised as coupons can be easily passed publicly to other users and can be used by users who are not eligible to use the coupon code. In this guide, you learn know how to auto-generate a personalized coupon code for the customer right after they have purchased in your shop and limit the usage of the coupon for that specific user. 1. Create a Coupon Template in Woocommerce In WordPress, go to… Read More »Sending a personalized coupon code to the customer on successful purchase

Setting up Multi-currency with Infusionsoft + Woocommerce

Infusionsoft doesn’t have multi-currency features but still many business owners want to have a multicurrency-ready shopping cart and be able to run marketing automation in Infusionsoft. To set this up, the following platform / tools will be needed: Woocommerce InfusedWoo Aelia Currency Switcher Please note that InfusedWoo and Aelia Currency Switcher plugins are premium plugins and you need to purchase these plugins first to download. Initial Setup First, make sure that the plugins are installed in wordpress and are configured properly: Woocommerce Setup Guide InfusedWoo Setup Guide Aelia Currency Switcher Important InfusedWoo Settings In addition to the basic setup above, there are two important settings you need to set in InfusedWoo. Since Infusionsoft only supports one currency, Infusionsoft’s Ecommerce Module is not compatible with Woocommerce Multicurrency Feature. Therefore, we have to turn off all settings… Read More »Setting up Multi-currency with Infusionsoft + Woocommerce

Boost your sales by providing One-Click Upsells

  Why provide one-click upsells? Think about this for a moment. What are the reasons you will leave a shopping cart or a checkout process? One of the biggest reasons customers abandon the checkout process is because of the number of steps (or clicks) required to complete an order. In other words, every additional click increasingly discourages customers to complete an order. As you reduce the number of clicks required to complete an order, more orders will convert. That is, people want it fast and easy— NO to filling out lengthy forms and/or clicking several buttons. If possible, they just want to click once to order a product. With Rocket One-Click, you can provide one-click upsell buttons. And customers just need to click once to finish their order.     Did you know, existing customers… Read More »Boost your sales by providing One-Click Upsells

Controlling Thank You Page in Woocommerce using InfusedWoo

In InfusedWoo version 2.1, we have released Thank You page control feature. With this feature, you can now change the redirect URL after your customers finish their checkout. To give a little background, woocommerce by default sends customers to an “order-received” page, which shows the order information and is a quite flat / dry page for your customers to be redirected to after they finish their checkout. For Infusionsoft-powered businesses, controlling thank you pages is very important. For example, we want to personalize the thank you page based on the products they purchased. Or perhaps, we want to send them to a special offer page after their purchase or give them a special coupon code. Or for some techies out there, we want to send them to different service after purchase and pass contact information… Read More »Controlling Thank You Page in Woocommerce using InfusedWoo