Mark Joseph

Mark Joseph is a software developer and loves to create plugins to automate and integrate business systems. He is the creator of numerous plugins: InfusedWoo, Rocket One-Click and Infusionsoft-Jotform Integration.

Is your online shop mobile ready?

Today, I had a consultation session with one of my clients using Infusionsoft and their biggest frustration is their non-mobile-ready shopping cart. They sell online content and mp3’s and around 40% to 50% of their customers visit their website using smartphone or tablet device. Unfortunately, Infusionsoft’s available shopping cart themes are not responsive (or mobile-ready) and making their shopping cart mobile ready would require you to hire a very proficient programmer (and probably expensive) to turn their shopping cart themes to mobile-ready themes. And also Infusionsoft have a very limited themes to choose from which is not good because there’s a high chance that the themes may not suit your company branding. And why this is very important? An article from Fast Company tells us that mobile and tablet users spends more money than desktop… Read More »Is your online shop mobile ready?

Expand Infusionsoft Payment Options with Woocommerce

One of the problems Infusionsoft owners face when setting up their online shopping cart is the very limited options of the payment gateways they can provide for their customers. Infusionsoft gives you only a few merchant account options. Moreover, the problem is not just about the limited merchant options but also: These available merchant account options may not be supported in your country, especially if you are outside US Most of the merchant account options Infusionsoft provide doesn’t support multiple currencies Opening an account on these available merchant account options takes too much time and they require detailed information about your business before they can enable your merchant account. With woocommerce, all these problems are solved. Woocommerce provides a wide array of options when it comes to payment gateway solutions (see table below) There are… Read More »Expand Infusionsoft Payment Options with Woocommerce

Saving Signature Images to Infusionsoft using Jotform

If you’re a consultant or a service provider, often we ask clients to sign contracts or terms and agreements document or approve a proposal. To make this process easy to both you and your client, it is always better to let your client sign the document digitally using an online webform. And with jotform, you can create a web form that allows your client to sign digitally. And if you use a CRM like infusionsoft, you would want to save their information including their signature to the CRM software so that all their information is stored in one place. In this post, I’ll show you how you can set this up in less than ten minutes. Create a new form in jotform and add the necessary fields. Add a signature field by going to Widgets… Read More »Saving Signature Images to Infusionsoft using Jotform

Cart Abandonment Campaign for Infusionsoft – why you need this for your business.

Did you know that according to research from Baymard Institute, an average of 68.06% of your site visitor abandon their shopping cart? As a business owner, it is important to implement necessary efforts to reduce the cart abandonment rate. One way of reducing this is providing a smooth checkout to your customers – making simple and clean checkout forms and giving clear instructions to the customers during the checkout process. This is also why we have made efforts to make the payment gateway bundled with InfusedWoo to improve checkout experience by Remembering customer’s credit cards so that customers don’t need to re-enter their credit card info and Using modern UI for the payment fields But there’s several more reason why customers leave their shopping cart, it might be because your customer was just got distracted… Read More »Cart Abandonment Campaign for Infusionsoft – why you need this for your business.

Integrate Woocommerce Checkout Fields to Infusionsoft

There are instances that you want to gather specific information from your customers when they are purchasing your products and want to store this information to your database. Here are some examples: If selling shippable items, you may want to know if there are some special shipping instructions from your customers. If selling event tickets, you need to know what specific date and time they want to join a certain event. Or you just need to know some personal info for marketing purposes, like birthdate or gender. To do this, you would need to find a way to display these custom fields in the checkout page – just right before they are about to click the pay button. And we need to do some coding to save this information to the database, or to your… Read More »Integrate Woocommerce Checkout Fields to Infusionsoft

Just Released: InfusedWoo 2.0

Infusionsoft and Woocommerce are two powerful platforms for your online business. Infusionsoft provides excellent marketing automation tools – like customer management, emailing / autesponders and marketing campaign builder. On the other hand Woocommerce is a very smooth, elegant and flexible online shopping platform. And currently woocommerce is used by millions of websites around the globe.   Many entrepreneurs hoped that there would be a way to seamlessly connect these two systems and harness excellent marketing campaigns with beautiful, smooth shopping cart. And this is why a year ago, we created InfusedWoo so that business owners can “connect” these two powerful platforms. We never stop improving InfusedWoo as we just released the more improved 2.0 version.   Here’s what we have released in the 2.0 Version:   1. Better InfusedWoo admin interface   2. New Setup… Read More »Just Released: InfusedWoo 2.0

Using Infusionsoft Web Form as WordPress Registration Form

Using infusionsoft as webform will give you more flexibility in terms of information you want to gather from your visitors. It allows you add add custom fields and also design the form using Infusionsoft’s web form builder. Follow the steps below to setup this up. 1. Add a Contact Custom Field: Navigate to Custom Field settings. First, we need to create a custom field to store your user’s initial password. Log in to your Infusionsoft account, hover to the Infusionsoft’s Menu and go to Admin → Settings. Then under General Settings, Custom Fields, make sure the dropdown is set to “Contact” and then click Go. 2. Add the custom field. Next, add a custom field and use a descriptive name for this field. In this example, I used “WPPassword”. Make sure the type is set… Read More »Using Infusionsoft Web Form as WordPress Registration Form

Saving newly registered users to Infusionsoft

Using InfusedWoo, you can send new user registrations from WordPress to Infusionsoft. You can use Woocommerce’s registration form in the “My Account” page or use an Infusionsoft form. If you are interested on how to setup an Infusionsoft Form for user registration, please refer to the post “Using Infusionsoft Web Form as WordPress Registration Form” Allow User Registrations in the My Accounts Page First you need to make sure that user registration setting is turned on in woocommerce. Simply go to Woocommerce Settings → General Tab. Then find Registration settings under “Cart, Checkout and Accounts” settings. Make sure to allow registration both on the checkout page and on the “My Account” Page. Turn on “Send new user registration to infusionsoft” in InfusedWoo Integration Settings To send new user registrations to infusionsoft, go to InfusedWoo Integration… Read More »Saving newly registered users to Infusionsoft